Liz DeJoode

Vice President Employee Benefits

Liz DeJoode

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(319) 232-8218

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Liz DeJoode is the Vice President of Employee Benefits for PDCM Insurance. She joined PDCM in 2013 and has been pivotal in designing and implementing top quality benefit programs for employers through innovative solutions that will aid in controlling the overall healthcare spend.

Liz speaks nationally on wellness initiatives as it pertains to cost containment, as well as overall financial mitigation within an employer’s health benefits.

In addition to her experience in employee benefits, Liz previously worked in Occupational Health and Community Health Promotion. Liz graduated from the University of Northern Iowa, where she obtained her B.A. in Health and Physical Education. She currently serves on Exceptional Persons, Inc. More Than You See Committee and the Cedar Valley’s Leader Valley’s Council.

Liz resides in Cedar Falls with her two children, Jack and Jules, and two dogs, Hilton and Rusty.