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Self-driving cars, back-up cameras, and a rise in claims are just a few of the reasons you may be seeing an increase in your auto insurance costs. When you hit a bump in the road, you need insurance that you can count on at a cost that’s right for you. Work directly with our dedicated agents to find a policy that is the best fit for you – and any other drivers in your household!

PDCM Auto Insurance Offerings

  • Time with a PDCM agent to discuss your auto insurance needs
  • Comparison of auto quotes from up to 16 carriers
  • Education on the right policy for your circumstances

Types of Auto Insurance

If someone were to ask you what was covered under your auto insurance policy, would you be able to tell them? Like most of us, you would probably have a hard time confidently answering that question. The more you understand your policy, the more peace of mind you have knowing you are sufficiently covered in an accident.

Auto Insurance Coverage

Purchasing auto liability coverage can offer you financial assistance in the event that you are found liable for a vehicle-related incident. The two forms of liability coverage offered are:

Bodily injury liability: Bodily Injury liability coverage pays for medical expenses caused by an incident for which you are found at-fault. If you or others listed on your policy were to injure a third party with your vehicle, it would be covered under your bodily injury liability coverage. Not only does bodily injury liability cover medical expenses, it can also help cover lost wages of the injured party.

Property damage liability: Similar to bodily injury liability, if you or someone on your policy collide with another person’s vehicle or property, your property damage liability coverage will assist you in paying for repair or replacement costs.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

Unlike bodily injury liability coverage, PIP is designed to cover medical costs, lost wages and other expenses for you, drivers listed on your policy and passengers in your vehicle who may become injured due to a car accident—regardless of who is deemed at-fault. As such, it is also referred to as “no-fault” coverage.

Collision Coverage

Damage to your vehicle from a collision with another vehicle or object should be covered under your collision coverage. Collision coverage is typically required if your car is still being financed—but once your car is paid off, you often have the choice to keep or remove collision coverage from your auto policy. Although your policy may be cheaper without it, collision coverage can be beneficial in helping you cover damages to your vehicle for which you are found at-fault.

Comprehensive Coverage

Simply put, comprehensive coverage provides insurance for losses caused by anything that isn’t covered under your collision coverage, such as losses from natural disasters, riots, vandalism and contact with an animal. If a tree were to get struck by lightning and fall on top of your vehicle, your comprehensive coverage could help cover damages to your vehicle from the incident.